Sue and Her Beloved GS500

Me and GS500 at Love Ride 17!


Not that I'm anti-social (me, yearlong unsubber of the LA Biker mail list!), but that I could take the GS500 to the Love Ride at last! Since I *really* love that bike, it was only fitting that it went at least once to a Love Ride.

Also, Mr. Digital Camera went with me to the Love Ride, as well as Ms. Cell Phone. I started counting the people with cell phones sticking in their ear, but in the end I was a hypocrite: I called home to say I arrived OK, and I called my mom in Pennsylvania to say "Hey MOM! I'm at the **LOVE RIDE**!!" Resistance is Futile...

So here is YOUR WINDOW into Love Ride Seven Teen!

THE PICS! THE CAPTIONS!! [Click pic for larger image]
Ingrid and her new (used) Savage

Ingrid looks at her gas leak, says, No Problem!

We were The Three Rice-Rocketeers: Ingrid, her work buddy John (not her husband! Not her boyfriend! NO! NO! NOOOOOO!), and me.

In this second pic, Ingrid is explaining where the gas is leaking out of her tank. "Oh, no, it's not dangerous!!" she insists. I then agreed to lead us to Glendale HD, saying, "So when you go up in a ball of flames...."

John: a good man, but NOT Ingrid's boyfriend John and his Virago
Sue and that sexy GS500

Sue's behind ROCKS -- her bike's behind, that is

What do I love about my GS500? Well, how about SIXTH GEAR~!? How about the great Donkey Ho-day on the back? How about that sticker that Ron said looks like two balls rolling down a mountain!!
Glendale: Black Leather City Once again, to get your Love Ride prizes, you gotta go to GLENDALE. And wade through LEATHER. It wasn't as bad as in past years. Lots of Florida voting jokes there and at Castaic, as you can imagine. Every announcer is a comedian....
Some guy with his gloves stuck in his chaps

Santa takes a break from Christmas Shopping

Man... or bigfoot??

We saw our share of the usual characters...
To Start a Journey, you must begin with a short Stop And, of course, all roads begin and end here...
The Gang at the Mobile Station We ran into Bruce Brodnax and Cowboy Joe at the Mobile Station. I'd just been saying to Ingrid, "All I want is to see Bruce Brodnax [in a particular state of dress]". So when I saw him in just jeans and a shirt, no jacket or chaps, I yelled to her, "Hey! He's halfway there!!" As usual, Bruce here is the PHOTOGRAPHER (are you in the Witness Protection Program or something??)
The Grandstand This is the picture which says "We Made It" without crashing. We *did* find a neat back-way into the Lake exit, but if I tell you, I'll have to kill you. Truly, we did NOT have to wait in that offramp line! WOOOO --- HOOOOO!!!!
The Grassy Knoll And here we are, The Three Rice-Rocketeers!
Sue Lovin Life Me, lovin' life...
Ingrid's Hair Explodes Ingrid and her neat hair clamp, made it look like her hair was going off like a firecracker... but then, that's Ingrid!
Shoot Me If I Ever Come Like This, and Look This Bad I really noticed the old broads who just went overboard on their outfits. Shit, is THIS what I'll be like in, um, 2 years?? Nooooooooo
Cocoa, Biker Dog

Cocoa, Biker Dog Sits, Good Boy!

Then, there's the Biker Dogs, like Cocoa...

Heh, Cocoa's master gets the Boner award :>

The Dog's saying, Geez, why does he always have to wear the fruity hat?? And the Top Hat Biker, with his dog, Harley. Word was this dog sat on the tank when he rode. "What's your dog's name?" "Harley" "Oh, I guess I could have guessed that..."
Sue: Open for Business Ahhh, now let's see if we can get a decent, er, indecent picture this year of me.....
Sue: After 2 beers Hmmm, what the hell is that white thing that looks like the Pentagon in the corner? Am I a threat to National Security with this blouse????

Anyway, I guess we'll have to try some more. Meanwhile, let's watch the PARACHUTISTS, see movies below!

Jumper No.1 Loops [229K]
Jumper No.1 Landing [231K]
Jumper No.2 Landing [228K]
Jumper No.4 Lands [152K]
These were AWESOME!!

NOTE: Jumper no. 3 *did* land; I just didn't get it on film.

Creedence Clearwater Revival, Revisited, Whatever Creedence Clearwater Revival, Revisited, Whatever..

Here's a few bars of music from Creedence:
Opening Bars of.. [232K]
..."Who'll Stop the Rain" [512K]

A Great Shirt On my way down to the stage, I took a few pics that seemed interesting....
The Dude is HOT!!!! Heh, I pretended to take HER picture :>
PEter, you are too cool So I'm sitting with John, and he points into the crowd below and says "Now see, that guy looks familiar, but I don't know his name..." I look and scream, "PEter!!!!"

At last, we found the other small contingency of LA Bikers...

Sammy in Shades Like Sammy...
Cowboy Joe Cowboy Joe...
Susie and Susie...
Susie Then, there were the pigs. They always show up when bikers are around, don't they???
Susie Well, if you can't beat em, join em!!
Ingrid and Sue So we moved to be with the other LA Bikers present. Cowboy Joe took some nice pics.
Ingrid and Sue: the Closer he got, the Better we looked They were even better when he decided to forget about getting the Love Ride Grandstand into the frame.
Sue at her best! But PEter took some KILLER PICS!! Like this one of me. This may be the best damn shot of me that exists!!
Sue at her best, CLOSEUP This image was HUGE, so here's the unreduced closeup head shot. Thanks a million, PEter! Wow, do I really look this good??? How the hell is my lipstick still on, I put that on in Glendale!!
She showed her tits. Then again. And again and again. To return to the Crowd, this one chick kept a'flashing on demand. I know, I know, I was at a lousy angle. But I got a charge just watching the GUYS take the pics. Here's the Movie of the event [232K]

The way she saw it, I guess, she paid for those nice tits, she was gonna get her MONEY'S WORTH out of them!!

BabaBOOOMMM!!! HOWEVER, once AGAIN photo-meister PEter **outdoes himself**
WE HAVE LIFTOFFFFFFFF!!! And I know y'all want to see the UNREDUCED CLOSEUP, am I rite???
The VMM Trickriders Line Up NOW, if all that weren't enough (and for some of you, it no doubt *wasn't*), time for the Victor McLaughlin Motorcycles!
A Trick

Another Trick

Yet Another Trick

Yet Another Trick

Yet Another Trick

Yet Another Trick

Yet Another Trick

Yet Another Trick

And the MOVIES of the Victor McLaughlin Motorcycle Tricks!

Opening Circles [136K]

Four-a-Breast [232K]

Chorusline [320K]

DC-10 Trick [232K]

Walkover Trick [232K] (unf, someone did the walkinfront-trick to block the end)

Pyramid Finale [472K]

Blood, Sweat and Tears: they were late, late and LATE! Almost time to go home. But first, had to meander back to the Grandstand to get a gander at Blood, Sweat and Tears! Here's a movie clip [232K]
Cops on Bespeckled Horses First a stop to check out the specs on the horses. Cool, man!
Time to go home... Now it was time to go home. The sun was setting, the prizes were all handed out, we were tired, happy, and my camera battery had 1 minute left... just enough for this last pic.

If I KNEW I was about to ride right into a traffic jam in front of Magic Mountain for 30 minutes, hell, I would have stayed and listened to the band!

Didn't Confusious say that? Or was that Kung Fu? "Stay and hear the band, oh Grasshopper... because you might just be rushing off into a traffic jam!"

The End... til Next Year!

Of course, there's always those Other Love Rides to reread til then...

Even Littler Me Back to the Sexy Main Menu!