No, not that my Mom Vicki got to ride in the Love Ride, but that I finally got these pictures onto the web! (SIGH!) It's been a looooong year, as I've been plagued by chronic headaches (since as long as April '99). Well, here's the long-awaited pics, and I can only apologize for the delay getting them up here....
THE PICS! | THE CAPTIONS!! [Click on pic for larger image] |
Here we go! Vicki, my Mom, who rode pillion with me to her very first Love Ride, appreciated a little assistance to get in the saddle of my Yamaha 750 Virago. (Well, she appreciated the joke of me bringing out the step stool...) | |
It was clear weather in Pasadena, but dammit if we didn't hit RAIN by Glendale! (My absolutely worst nightmare!!) But we lived. You can see the mist in the background of this pic, as Mom gets a gander at just how many BIKES THERE ARE! | |
The LABikers congregated amidst the thousands of bikes and bikers, then split off to get lost in the mile-long lines to hand in our pledges. | |
Hope you didn't expect photos of the RIDE. Hell, I was just happy to get us there in one piece! As I dismounted, Mom said, "Oh, that was lovely. I think I could keep going all the way to San Diego!" Yeah, not with me drivin', I thought.
Eventually everyone arrived and we all got together on the lawn. From here, we watched some great parachute stunts. | |
Mom kept wondering why bikers I didn't know came by and filmed me for long periods with video cameras. "You mean, you didn't know that young man either??" she'd ask. Some asked me if I'd take off my vest. "Uh, no, my Mom's here," I told them. Well, it was true!!! | |
kEN and Wendy | |
Sammy and Elaine | |
PEter and CAtherine | |
John and Ingrid.
He's married, but not to her, guys! Interested? see more of Ingrid. | |
Cowboy Joe | |
What is the ongoing challenge, you ask?Well, for a few years now, at least for me, it's to somehow outdo the incredible skin-baring outfits these biker babes wear. And not get arrested, of course. "Show me your tits!" is a frequent request. At left is NOT what is meant.... | |
So I had a killer outfit this year! Sheer camouflage bodysuit, camo-tights. Of course, I wanted a picture of it, right?? So I ask my good buddy, kEN, to take that pic. "You got the outfit in the picture, right??" I ask him as he's aiming the camera. Boy, was I upset when THIS photo came out! The little box in the center of the pic shows the BLADE OF GRASS he focused on. Masterful, but not what I wanted... | |
THIS is the shot I wanted!! | |
And here's what I would have looked like WITHOUT MY MOM THERE!![My appreciation goes out to Gayathri who came over at lunchtime one day like two months later and took these pics. Thanks, girlfriend!!] | |
But listen, I know when I've been beat. This chick had me hands down. Well, maybe next year.... | |
Ah, but all good things, including the Love Ride, have to come to an end. And here we are, me and my Motorcycle Mama, about to head for home...
...Til next year!! And Mom liked it so much, she wants to go next year! |
Me at Love Ride 11, my FIRST Love Ride! |